Affichage de 1059 résultats

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Collection Anglais
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W. J. Estelle Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 10
  • Collection
  • 1927-1984; Undated

This collection contains mostly correspondence dating from 1927to 1984; personal office calendars; speeches; criminal justice materials; Huntsville First National Bank materials; and clippings, especially concerning the escape attempt of Fred Carrasco, Alcoholics Anonymous, and the Ruiz v. Estelle court case.

Also present are reports, publications, reprints, and photographs relating to the several prison systems with which W. J. Estelle was associated during his career in corrections, some video cassettes, audiotapes, and souvenirs, including buttons, pins, and badges.

Sans titre

Eugene Butler Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 101
  • Collection
  • 1924-1987; Undated

This collection includes speeches, editorials, and articles written by Eugene Butler, dating from 1927 through 1987. These documents deal with a broad spectrum of issues of the day from Prohibition to bussing but focus primarily on agricultural topics.

Also contained in the collection are many Progressive Farmer articles and editorials, as well as correspondence. There are three complete issues of the magazine in the collection; one oversize and two in folders.

Other items in the collection include extensive material on the Progressive Farmer Company, cotton, and the Progressive Farmer Master Farm Family Award and individual winners.

Sans titre

Extension Service Club Records

  • TxAM-CRS 1030
  • Collection
  • 1919-2021

This collection contains scrapbooks/press books, minute books, treasurer's books, yearbooks, and other materials from the Extension Service Club in relation to the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.

Ackerman and McMiller General Store Account Books

  • US TxAM-C 1031
  • Collection
  • 1854-1856

This collection consists of two large leather account books from the old store owned and operated by David Verplank Ackerman and James McMiller that was at Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas. The account book labeled "ledger" [box 1] dates from 1855 to 1865 and lists the accounts of individuals while the other one labeled "journal" [box 2] records the chronological expenses beginning in April 1854 and ending in January 1861.

Lieutenant Milby Porter Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1045
  • Collection
  • 1898

This scrapbook contains pictures taken, developed and printed by Lieutenant Milby Porter, Co. A 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment; and Former Student at A. and M. College. All photos taken during the Spanish-American War.

Outside of scrapbook there are 4 loose photographs, 1 photograph and postcard in envelope with pieces from other loose photos, and 1 loose letter.

Photographs include:
Camp Cuba Libre, Jacksonville, Florida [loose photograph]
Camp Onward, Savannah, Georgia
Camp Columbia, Havana, Cuba
One loose photograph showing 1st Texas Infantry on way back to camp for a parade in Havana on July 1, 1900.
Havana and Environs: Including graphic photos of human skulls

Thomas W. Davis III, A Former POW Looks Back Manuscript

  • TxAM-CRS 105
  • Collection
  • Undated

The Thomas W. Davis III manuscript of A Former POW Looks Back chronicles Davis' World War II experience as an American battery commander on Corregidor Island and as a prisoner of war held by the Japanese. The manuscript includes his observations of life as an Army junior officer, and American military preparedness before the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor and the military's initial war mobilization in the Philippines. It also contains a vivid account of the fighting on Corregidor before American forces stationed there surrendered to the Japanese in 1942 and the dismal conditions prisoners of war faced. Davis provides several anecdotes about how soldiers dealt with the war and being held as prisoners. He describes in detail the conditions of Japanese POW camps including the lack of food and water, the bad sanitary conditions, the many diseases afflicting prisoners, camp routines, and the Japanese treatment of their prisoners.

The manuscript is typed with handwritten corrections and contains several original black and white, and color photographs and illustrations in excellent condition.

Sans titre

Guthrie F. Layne, Jr. World War II Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1051
  • Collection

This collection contains the scrapbook from Seaman First Class Guthrie Fitzhugh Layne, Jr during World War II, including a detailed finding guide.

New Deal and John Henry Kirby Scrapbooks

  • US TxAM-C 1052
  • Collection
  • 1935

This collection consists of two scrapbooks containing news clippings dating from August 22 to October 5, 1935, regarding the New Deal and John Henry Kirby. The clippings are listed chronologically in this collection record, however, they are not chronological within the scrapbooks.

Texas World War I Casualty Lists

  • TxAM-CRS 1057
  • Collection
  • Undated

This collection contains a printed list of Texas soldier casualties from World War I (WWI). The casualties are listed by county and include the Veteran's name, rank, branch, city, service number, DOD, and casualty status.

Llewelyn Powys Manuscript Book

  • TxAM-CRS 106
  • Collection

This collection contains a nearly 100-page manuscript book, bound in 3/4 cloth with marbled sides and a handwritten paper label listing the contents in ink pasted on the front. The book contains five handwritten essays, four in pencil and one in ink, by Llewelyn Powys, some published and some not published. The essays are as follows: "Of the Sun", eight pages extensively revised; "Of Romance", nine pages extensively revised, and apparently unpublished; "Of a Gannet", unpublished; "Of Egoism" twenty pages extensively revised, published in the New Statesman, November 6, 1926, and also reprinted in Earth Memories the first edition appearing in 1934, an enlarged edition in 1938; "Of Goodness", sixteen pages extensively revised, apparently not published, or at least not under this title; and finally, "When the unicorn cons the water", ten pages, written in ink with revisions, which was printed in the Weekend Review and also reprinted in Earth Memories.

Also included in the folding case made for the manuscript book by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, is a letter handwritten in ink and signed by Powys, dated December 15, 1935. It is titled "Instructions as to the disposal of my body in the case of my death", and was given to his wife Alyse Gregory. A note in her hand in ink appears on the verso of the two-page letter below Llewelyn's signature and the date. An envelope with a typed description of the letter is included. A Catalogue of the Llewelyn Powys Manuscripts, offered by G. F. Sims (Rare Books), Peacocks, Hurst, Berkshire, probably from the early 1950s follows, as does a typed index card listing the contents of the manuscript book, and a photocopy of the description of the collection from the dealer David. J. Holmes Autographs of Collingswood, N.J.

Andy Marmaduke Jones, Jr. World War II Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 1060
  • Collection
  • 1941-1949; 1992; Undated

This collection consists of copies made from the originals of correspondence, news articles, photographs, and other materials pertaining to Andy M. James, Jr.'s time serving in World War II (WWII).

C. Walt Brown World War II Air Crew Training Division Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 1061
  • Collection
  • 1905-1946; Undated

This collection consists of letters (mostly to his mother and family between 1943-1944), newspaper clippings, and a few other materials detailing the life of Charles Walt Brown during his tenure in the US Army Air Force, especially his experiences while in the Air Crew Training Division on the Texas A&M campus.

From 1943 to 1944, Texas A&M College provided its land and facilities to the US Military to prepare soldiers for World War II (WWII). In Brown's letter to his mother, Mary Swan, and to other family members, he told of details of his life in the Army and at the different military facilities he was stationed at.

Bill Fulton Manuscript, "Mines, Mortars, Matching Guns and Riflemen"

  • TxAM-CRS 1066
  • Collection
  • 1988-1992; Undated

This collection contains a copy of Fulton's manuscript "Mines, Mortars, Matching Guns and Riflemen", along with correspondence to a few individuals and between others regarding the manuscript and its contents.

Résultats 1 à 35 sur 1059