Roy Fuller Correspondence with Julian Symons and Jack Clark
- TxAM-CRS 113
- Collection
- 1937-1992
This collection contains over 275 letters of correspondence in Series 1, serving to portray the longtime relationship between Roy Fuller and Julian Symons which started on terms of business and grew to a close friendship. The letters are primarily from Roy Fuller to Julian Symons with occasional addendums from Kate Fuller. There are several letters from Julian Symons in response. In addition, there are some letters from John Fuller to the Symons, from Roy Fuller to Jack Clark, and from Roy Fuller to Sebastian Barker. The folder list contains a brief description of each individual letter and its focus, often with a list of Subjects. Especially lyrical and poetic are Roy Fuller's war letters starting when he was stationed in Africa (Kenya and Nairobi) and Ariel through the office of the Admiralty (folders 1000-1370).
In Series 2, there are 64 letters from Roy Fuller with three annotations from Jack Clark and five from Kate Fuller, one letter from Jack Clark, one from Kate Fuller, six from John Fuller, Roy Fuller's son, and several others from miscellaneous individuals. The letters from Roy Fuller date from 1958 to 1990 and are primarily handwritten postcards to Jack Clark, Co-founder of the Poem-of-the-Month Club. Many of these letters are regarding or, at least, in reference to Fuller's position as advisory to the Poem-of-the-Month Club. However, Fuller and Clark were also close friends, and Fuller feels free, in these letters, to discuss everything from his failing health to how he met his wife, along with many other personal remarks. Most of the letters from John Fuller and the one from Kate Fuller were written after Roy Fuller's death. The few other items in this series include poems, obituaries, newspaper clippings, and pamphlets pertaining to Roy Fuller's life and/or subjects exchanged between Fuller and Clark.
List of Abbreviations Used:
- ALS - Autograph letter, signed.
- AL - Autograph letter, unsigned.
- ANS - Autograph note, signed.
- APCS - Autograph postcard, signed.
- TLS - Typed letter, signed.
- TL - Typed letter, unsigned.
- TPCS - Typed postcard, signed.
- RF - Roy Fuller
- POMC - Poem-of-the-Month Club
- TCV - Twentieth Century Verse
Fuller, Roy