1/8: Abstract: Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science. August 1959
1/9: Royal Society of Victoria Centenary Symposium. December 7-11, 1959
1/10: Acarologists of the World: A directory. December 1, 1959
1/11: Dillon, S. Lawrence. "Supplementary Notes on Western Hemisphere Monochamini." Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 51, reprint. 1943
1/12: Dillon, S. Lawrence. "The Giant Moths (Saturniidae) of Berks County, Pennsylvania." Leaflets of the Mengel Natural History Society, 2. Print. 1945
1/13: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Elizabeth S. () "Review of the Onocephalini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)" From the Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 72. 1946
1/14: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Elizabeth S. "A review of the Tribe Gryllicini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)." Livro de Homenagem, 14: 155-156. Print. 1946
1/15: Dillon, Lawrence S. "Some New Subspecies of Butterflies from Dominica" Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, 42 (3): 97-102. Reprint. 1947
1/16: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Elizabeth S. "A New Species of Olenecamptus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)." Bulletin du Musee Royal D'Histore Naturelle de Belgique, 24. Print. 1948
1/17: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Elizabeth S. "Miscellaneous Synonymy and the New Species Among the Lamiinae (Cerambycidae)." American Museum Novitates, 1388. print. 1949
1/18: Dillon, Lawrence S. "A New Species of Epicauta from Arizona (Col: Meloidae)" Entomological News, 61. Print. 1950
1/19: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Elizabeth S. "The Lamiine Tribe Gnomini (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)." The Philippine Journal of Science, 79. Reprint. 1950
1/20: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Elizabeth S. "The Tribe Onciderini. Supplementary Notes." Entomological Society of America, 45 (1). Reprint. 1952
1/21: Dillon, Lawrence S. "The Mythology of the Araneid Leg." Journal of Morphology, 90 (3). Print. 1952
1/22: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Elizabeth S. "Pyrota Riherd: a New Species of Meloidae (Coleoptera), from South TX Entomological News, 63. 1952
1/23: Dillon, Lawrence S. "The Hawaiian Species of Lagocheirus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)." Entomological News, 63. Print. 1952
1/24: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Elizabeth S. "A Change of Names in the Cerambycidae, with other Notes." Entomological News, 64. Print.
1/25: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Elizabeth S. "The N1953eotropic Acanthocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)." Entomological News, 62. Print. 1956
1/26: Dillon, Lawrence S. "Wisconsin Climate and Life Zones in North America." Science, 123 (3188): 167-176. Print. 1956
1/27: Dillon, Lawrence S. "The Nearctic Components of the Tribe-Acanthocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Pt 1." Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 49 (2). Print. 1956
1/28: Dillon, Lawrence S. "The Nearctic Components of the Tribe-Acanthocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Pt 3. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 49 (4). Print. 1956
1/29: Dillon, Lawrence S. "Reproductive Isolation Among Certain Spider Mites of the Tetranychus Telarius Complex, with Preliminary Systematic Notes." Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 51 (5). Print. 1958
1/30: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Dillon, Elizabeth S. "The Monochamini (Cerambycidae) of the Ethiopian Faunistic Region IV. Subtribe Monochamidi Melanopolia and allies." Annals Entomological Society of America, 52 (5). Print. 1959
1/31: Symposium programs with notes, 1959.
1/32: Abbott, Walter 7 Dillon, Lawrence S. "Geographic Variation in Pieris protodice Biosduval and Leconte (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)." The Washmann Journal of Biology, 18 (1). Print. 1960
1/33: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Dillon, Elizabeth S. "The Monochamini (Cerambycidae) of the Ethiopian Faunistic Region. II Subtribe Monochamidi Genara Related to Monochamus." Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology, 2 (3). Print. 1961
1/34: Dillon, Lawrence S. "Historical Subspeciation in the North American Marten." Systematic Zoology, 10 (2). Print. 1961
1/35: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Dial, Robert O. "Notes on the Morphology of the Common Gulf Squid Lolliguncula brevis (Blainville)" The Texas Journal of Science, 14, (2). Print. 1962
1/36: Dillon, Lawrence S. "Additional notes on Nearctic Acanthocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)." The Coleopterists' Bulletin, 16 (1). Print. 1962
1/37: Dillon, Lawrence S. "Comparative Cytology and the Evolution of Life." Evolution, 16. Reprint. 1960
1/38: Dillon, Lawrence S. "Comparative Studies of the Brain in the Macropodidae Contribution to the Phylogeny of the Mammalian Brain II." The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 120 (1). Reprint. 1963
1/39: Dillon, Lawrence S. "A Reclassification of the Major Groups of Organisms Based Upon Comparative Cytology." Systematic Zoology, 12 (53). 1963
1/40: Dillon, Lawrence S. "Some Notes on Phylogenetic Principles." Systematic Zoology, 13 (1). Reprint. 1964
1/41: Dillon, Lawrence S. "The Hereditability of Certain Mammalian Heart Structures." The Texas Journal of Science, 17(2). Reprint. 1964
1/42: 68th The Texas Academy of Science brochure/schedule at Baylor University, Waco, Texas, December 10-12, 1964.
1/43: Dillon, Lawrence S. "The Life Cycle of the Species: An Extension of Current Concepts." Systematic Zoology, 15 (2). 1966
1/44: Dillon, Lawrence S. "The Hydrocoel and the Ancestry of the Chordates." Evolution, 19(3). Reprint. 1965
1/45: 71st Texas Academy of Science brochure/schedule at Lamar State College of Technology in Beaumont, Texas, March 14-16, 1968.
1/46: 72nd Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science at the University of Texas, Austin, TX, March 13-15, 1969.
1/47: Atkins, David L. & Dillon, Lawrence S. "Comparative Morphology of the Cerebellum in the Canoidea." American Zoologist, 9 (3). Reprint. 1969
1/48: 73rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science at Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX. March 5-7, 1970.
1/49: Dillon, Lawrence S. & Atkins, David L. "Two Unique Features of the Anterior Cerebellum in the Higher Primates, Including Man." The anatomical Record, 168 (3). Reprint. 1970
1/50: Darnell, Rezneat M. & Dillon, Lawrence S. "Ecology and the Origin of Species Introductory Statement." American Zoologist, 10. Print. 1970
1/51: Atkins, David L. & Dillon, Lawrence S. "Evolution of the Cerebellum in the Genus Canis." Journal of Mammalogy, 52 (1). 1971
1/52: 75th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science: Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX. March 9-11, 1972. (2 copies with handwritten notes)
1/53: England, D. R. & Dillon, L.S. "Cerebrum of the Sea Otter." The Texas Journal of Science, 24(2). 1971
1/54: Dillon, Lawrence S. "Neovolcanism: A Proposed Replacement for the Concepts of Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift." Plate-Tectonics and Reassessments Memoir No. 23 [reprint]. 1975
1/55: Dillon, Lawrence S. "Speciation and Changing Environment." American Zoologist, 10: 27-39. 1970