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Series 1, Box 6: Appointee Files, Golm - Hughes, E
Importance matérielle
160 folders
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Portée et contenu
6/1: Golman, Joe Herman, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of available appointments through March 31, 1989, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
6/2: Gonzales, Alberto R. (Al), 1987
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee
6/3: Gonzales, Albert (Al)
Letters, note, application, biographical information, list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to Texas
6/4: Gonzales, Esther P., 1987
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council
6/5: Gonzales, Sara R., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education
6/6: Gonzales, Raquel, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, signed oath of office form, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program
6/7: Goodman, William Ostram, 1987 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Manufactured Homeowners' Recovery Fund Board of Trustees
6/8: Goodwin, Dorene P., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, nomination notice to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination for election as a director of the State Bar of Texas, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
6/9: Goodwin, Earl Clinton, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel
6/10: Goodwin, Gerald Alton, 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, memo from the General Counsel's office regarding effective dates of office and pay for Judge Goodwin, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 159th Judicial District Court in Angelina County
6/11: Gore, Carol Jeanne Nelson, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Committee of Examiners for Speech Pathology and Audiology
6/12: Gore, Robert Cecil (Bob), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission
6/13: Gorman, James Ward (Jim), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors
6/14: Gose, Margaret L. Amsden, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators
6/15: Graham, Larry Morgan, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council
6/16: Graham, Sheldon B., Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, copy of his commission, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
6/17: Granberry, James Harlan (Jim), 1987-1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, photograph, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, 1987, and to and as chairman of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, 1989, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency, 1989
6/18: Grant, Douglas M., 1988
Letter and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Brazos-Santiago Pass, Bar, and Tributaries
6/19: Grant, Gary Dean, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, agency information sheet with list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Well Drillers Board
6/20: Graves, Morris Allen, II, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommended appointees from the Republican Party of Harris County, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners
6/21: Gray, Guy James, Jr., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney in Jasper County
6/22: Gray, James Erwin (Jim), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission
6/23: Green, Bessie Mae Dent, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education
6/24: Green, Donald Ray, 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council
6/25: Green, Gene, 1988
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Committee on Education
6/26: Green, John Henry, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, petitions, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System
6/27: Greenhill, Joe R., 1990
Letter, note, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Judicial Selection
6/28: Greenwade, Jack Dennis, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, and list of appointees to the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member
6/29: Greer, Pattye Lynn Cole, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Board of Examiners of Dietitians
6/30: Gregg, Charles R., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Diabetes Council
6/31: Gregory, Carolina Kemp, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Battleship Texas Advisory Board
6/32: Greytok, Marta R., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, resolutions, clippings, newsletter, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Public Utility Commission of Texas
6/33: Grier, Mary Lou, 1988 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Diversification Board, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency
6/34: Griffin, James L., Jr., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel
6/35: Griffin F. O'Neil (Neil), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of state regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
6/36: Griffin, Mark, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation Board of Directors
6/37: Griffith, Gary E., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct
6/38: Grimes, James Frank, 1988
Letter, application, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Well Drillers Board
6/39: Grimes, James Randall (Randy), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors
6/40: Grimsley, Maria Ina Mogete, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with record of attendance, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Blind
6/41: Grissom, Dan Benson, 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 355th Judicial District Court in Hood County
6/42: Grossenbacher, Maxey Ray, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Aeronautics Commission
6/43: Grove, James, IV, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
6/44: Grum, Clifford J. (Cliff), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force
6/45: Grusendorf, Kent, 1990
Letters, memo, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Southern Regional Education Board
6/46: Guerra, Cipriano F., Jr. (Cip), 1987 & 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees to the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as vice-chairman of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, 1987 and 1988, and to the State Job Training Coordinating Council, 1988
6/47: Guerra, Dario V., Jr., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force
6/48: Guerra, Joe A., 1988
Letters and list of Job Training Coordinating Council of which he was a member
6/49: Guiberteau, Milton Jerome (Mick), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority
6/50: Guidry, Henry H., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries
6/51: Guillot, Patrick C., 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Uniform State Laws
6/52: Gulley, James Larkin, Jr., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Tech University Board of Regents
6/53: Gunn, Robert, 1987 & 1988
Letters, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, 1987, and the Governor's Energy Council, 1988
6/54: Gurney, Gerald Wade, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Credit Union Commission
6/55: Gutermuth, William David (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery in Texas
6/56: Guiterrez, Eduardo, 1988
Contact List of the Public-Private Partnership Advisory Panel of which he was a member
6/57: Guiterrez, Hector, Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee
6/58: Guiterrez, Ricardo (Richard), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Technical Institute Board of regents
6/59: Guzman, Jane Louise Bock, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors
6/60: Hackerman, Norman, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council
6/61: Haddock, Charles Edward, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the State Job Training Coordinating Council, and the Texas Employment Commission
6/62: Hagan, Donnie Hugh, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators
6/63: Hahn, Arthur Lynn, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs
6/64: Haisten, Betty, 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Council on Alzheimer's Disease and Related disorders
6/65: Halbreich, Nancy Strauss, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the University of North Texas Board of Regents
6/66: Hall, Bill R., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
6/67: Hall, William N., Jr. (Billy), 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
6/68: Hall, Cynthia Elaine Franks, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Well Drillers Board
6/69: Hall, Richard M., 1990
Letters, memo, and appointment notice to the president of the University of Texas at Austin regarding appointment to the Center Advisory Council for the proposed UT Austin Center for International Business Education
6/70: Hall, Sheldon, 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and chairman of the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission
6/71: Halliday, Ebby, 1987
Letter, memo, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force
6/72: Halm, John, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors
6/73: Haltom, Mary Helen, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees from Tarrant County, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Commission for the Deaf
6/74: Hamill, Wallace, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, news release, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing Aids
6/75: Hamilton, Charles C. (Chuck), 1988
Memo, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board
6/76: Hammack, John A., 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
6/77: Hammond, Allen Gary (Gary), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Housing Agency Board of Directors
6/78: Hammond, Jack, 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, clipping, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, 1987, the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination for election to the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors, 1988, to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Texas Rio Grande Compact Commission, 1989, and to the Texas Senate from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas regarding appointment to the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors, 1989
6/79: Hammond, Richard A., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council
6/80: Hammond, Sandi Kahn, 1987 & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons
6/81: Hammond, William O. (Bill), 1987-1989
Letters, notes, biographical information, certification of membership form, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State Regarding appointments to the Education Commission of the States, 1987, the Select Committee on Education, 1988, and the Southern Regional Education Board, 1989, the last of which was later withdrawn
6/82: Henderson, Annabelle Graybill (Ann), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Home Health Services Advisory Council, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency
6/83: Henderson, Barnie O., Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Veterans Commission
6/84: Henderson, Curt Barney, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, clippings, press release, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 219th Judicial District Court in Collin County
6/85: Hendrick, William G. (Jack), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board
6/86: Henger, Dennis Carl, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on ICF-MR Facilities
6/87: Henry, Jake, Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council
6/88: Hensley, Jack H., 1988
Note, application, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas School for the Deaf Governing Board
6/89: Herklotz, Marshall D., 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmentally Disabled, and Mentally Ill Offenders
6/90: Hernandez, Cruz G., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, clippings, newsletters, lists of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council [Note: He was also appointed in 1987 but no appointment notice exists.]
6/91: Hernandez, Maria Alida Salinas, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rio Grande Valley Pollution Control Authority Board of Directors, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency
6/92: Herndon, Harold David (David), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Public Finance Authority, 1988, and the Governor's Welfare Reform Task Force, 1988, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Human Services, 1989
6/93: Herndon, Dealey Decherd, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Preservation Board and the Advisory Committee to the State Preservation Board
6/94: Hester, Geraldine Toliver (Gerri), 1988-1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, 1988 and 1990, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the same agency, 1989
6/95: Hester, Darrell B., 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Presiding Judge of the Fifth Administrative Judicial Region
6/96: Hester, John Robert, Jr. (Bob), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities
6/97: Heuer, David Arnold (Dave), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Space Commission
6/98: Hibbetts, Jesse Lee, Jr. (Jess), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors
6/99: Hickman, James Robert, 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council
6/100: Hicks, Bill D., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas County and District Retirement System Board of Trustees
6/101: Hicks, Sydney Smith, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force
6/102: Hightower, Mike, 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference
6/103: Hill, Anita Carraway, 1987
Application, biographical information, and list of appointees to the State Job Training Coordinating Council of which she was a member
6/104: Hill, John Henry, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors
6/105: Hill, Lyda Hunt, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force
6/106: Hill, Rodger Green, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission of State Emergency Communication
6/107: Hill, Steve, 1988
Letters, memo, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council
6/108: Hill William James (Bill), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts
6/109: Hillencamp, Kimball Turner (Kim), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission
6/110: Hilliard, Delmar Shelley (Shelley), 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council
6/111: Hillier, Paul W., Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy
6/112: Himmelblau, Betty Hartman, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency
6/113: Hinojosa, Liborio, 1988
Letters, biographical information, clipping, list of recommended appointees, list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force
6/114: Hinson, Barbara Joan Waggener, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators
6/115: Hinton, LeRoy Marshall (Lee), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Pension Review Board
6/116: Hixon, George Cooley (Tim), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees, brochure and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, and to the Board for Lease, Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, 1989, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, 1989
6/117: Hobbs, Claude Carey (Carey), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Tech University Board of Regents
6/118: Hobert, Joe H., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, agency information sheet, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Egg Marketing Advisory Board
6/119: Hockridge, J. R. (Jack), 1987
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Neches River Municipal Water Authority
6/120: Hocott, Claude, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
6/121: Hodge, Jerry H., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, 1987, and to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, 1989, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Corrections, 1987 and 1989
6/122: Hodges, Floyd Edward (Ed), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Polygraph Examiners Board
6/123: Hoffelmeyer, Carl Arthur, 1987
Memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Evergreen Underground Water Conservation District Board of Directors
6/124: Holden, E. Jerry, 1987
Memos, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Runnels County Water Authority Board of Directors
6/125: Holekamp, Mary Virginia Stevens, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, brochure, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Guadalupe River Authority Board of Directors
6/126: Holguin, Hector, 1987
Letter, memo, biographical information, and list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member
6/127: Hollander, Bob Max, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council
6/128: Holley, Pagett Ann Daves, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Children 2000 Organizational Committee
6/129: Holliday, Janet D., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, clipping, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Interagency Council on Early Childhood Intervention Services
6/130: Holloway, Marcia Ellen (Marcy), 1987 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons
6/131: Holman, Dixon W., 1987 & 1988
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Joint Select Committee on the Judiciary, and as Judge of the 141st Judicial District Court in Tarrant County
6/132: Holmes, Eleanor F., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Long-Term Care Coordinating Council for the Elderly
6/133: Holmes, John, 1987 & 1988
Biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, and to the Criminal Justice Policy Council
6/134: Holt, Robert B. (Bobby), 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Energy Council, and to the Public Safety Commission
6/135: Holzheauser, Steven G., 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Balanced Recovery Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
6/136: Hook, Harold, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force
6/137: Hoover, Judith (Judi), 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Role of the Family in Reducing Recidivism Advisory Committee
6/138: Hopkins, Alton Fowler (Al), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
6/139: Hopkins, Paul, 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Western States Water Council regarding appointment to that group
6/140: Horn, Clifford L. (Cliff), 1987
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Central Colorado River Authority Board of Directors
6/141: Horn, John Duane, 1988
Application, biographical information, list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science Advisory Board
6/142: Horne, Michel L., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries
6/143: Horner, Jimmy L., 1989
Biographical information, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Structural Pest Control Board
6/144: Horton, John C., III, 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission
6/145: Housewright, Kellie Anne, 1990
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Maternal and Child Health Advisory Committee
6/146: Houston, Sam, IV, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution
6/147: Howard, Aaron Wells, 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities
6/148: Howard, Jack, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
6/149: Howard, Jo Ann Jay, 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Insurance
6/150: Howard, William Bradley (Brad), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
6/151: Hoyt, Theda Jane Nelson, 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities
6/152: Hsueh, Robert W., 1987
Memo, application, biographical information, clipping, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution
6/153: Hubert, Carl Ruchell, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers
6/154: Huckabee, Cloyce Merrill (Huck), 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Central Colorado River Authority Board of Directors
6/155: Huddleston, Kenneth R., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
6/156: Huff, David Allen, 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Administrative Council of the Texas Higher Education Board
6/157: Huffines, James Lecil (J. L.), 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
6/158: Huffines, James Richard, 1990
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
6/159: Huggins, Nancy, June 1987
Application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Hospital Equipment Financing Council
6/160: Hughes, Evangelikna Pena (Eva), 1990
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council