Identity elements
Reference code
TxAM-CRS C000591-2
Name and location of repository
Level of description
August 2023 Addendum: Con Badges
- 1972-2023 (Creation)
1 box
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
Blizzcon (Anaheim, 2018)
Illuxcon (Philadelphia, 2018? – 3 badges
Lure of Middle Earth (Burg Stahleck, Germany, 2023)
Magic: The Gathering Grand Prix Las Vegas, undated
Magic 30 (Las Vegas, 2023)
Mosaic Miscellanea (craft fair card, undated)
Phoenix Comic Fest (2018)
Pyrkon (Krakow, Poland, 2022)
Rincon (Tucson, AZ, 2015)
SCGCon (undated)
TusCon 45 (Tuscon, AZ, 2018)
Westercon 25 (Long Beach, CA, 1972)