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Art, Fanzines, Clippings, and Other Materials from AggieCon/Cepheid Variable
- 1976-2002 (Produção)
28 folders
Nome do produtor
Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura
Âmbito e conteúdo
S2-2/01 AggieCon - Miscellaneous art
S2-2/02 "Star Wars Fan Stuff"
S2-2/03 Cepheid Variable - Miscellaneous artwork, photos, and negatives
S2-2/04 Cepheid Variable (Fanzine) - assorted issues
S2-2/05 BS (Fanzine), 1976, and AggieCon reports
S2-2/06 Cepheid Variable Club Fanzines
S2-2/07 Variable Magnatude (Fanzine), Cepheid Variable
S2-2/08 Brain Death (Fanzine) Cepheid Variable
S2-2/09 Brain Death (Fanzine) Cepheid Variable, originals
S2-2/10 Cepheid Variable Newspaper clippings
S2-2/11 Star Trek
S2-2/12 IguanaCon 1978 Booklets
S2-2/13 DragonCon 1998 - Program Book
S2-2/14 Stanley (Fanzine) No. 13, Cepheid Variable. Uncollated
S2-2/15 Stanley (Fanzine) No. 15, Cepheid Variable Layouts
S2-2/16 Stanley (Fanzine) No. 16, Cepheid Variable Layouts
S2-2/17 F. A. C. T. Sheet (Fanzine) 1988-2001
S2-2/18 NASFA Shuttle (Fanzine) 1998-2000
S2-2/19 Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin (Fanzine) 1998-2002
S2-2/20-24 Fanzines, Miscellaneous (5 folders)
S2-2/25 Conventions
S2-2/26 Newsletters
S2-2/27 Miscellaneous material on AggieCon from the World Wide Web
S2-2/28 Science Fiction Writers of Earth. Online Newsletter. 63 p.
The first section details the origin of the Science Fiction Writers of Earth and AggieCon in 1979, and comments on AggieCon.