Identity elements
Reference code
Name and location of repository
Level of description
2023 Addendum
- 2010-2023 (Creation)
1 box
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
Reserve and Renew: The LIS Mental Health Zine #3 -4
[Abigail Phillips (Williams), Annie Pho, Kate Deibel, Kelly McElroy, Marisol Moreno Ortiz, and Violet Fox, ed., February 2020 - March 2021]
Mental Health, Libraries
Reserve and Renew: The LIS Mental Health Zine #5 - 6
[Annie Pho, Abigail Williams, Liz Cheveney, Jess Donovan, Kate Deibel, Kelly McElroy, Nicole Gustavson, and Violet Fox, ed., March 2022 - April 2023]
Mental Health, Libraries
Rethinking Travel: A Workbook for Redefining Efficiency and Practicing a Right to the City
[K.E.B. Gomez, auth., undated]
Perzine, Cities
Rows and Rows
[Idaho: Msss, auth., 2023]
Books, Artzine
The Seven Holy Tombs Trading Company Catalog
[Chicago, IL: Lost Fillings, auth., 2023]
Shimasani Clara
[Kinsale Drake, undated]
Native Americans, Poetry
A Short Introduction to the Politics of Cruelty
[Hostis, auth., undated]
Politics, Philosophy
[Willingsboro, NC: Sabrina Simon, undated]
Spoon #1
[Portland, OR: A . Veltman, ed., undated]
Supernatural Fancy Cocktail Party
[Katie/Erin, auth., August 2012]
Perzine, Split Zine
Tazewell's Favorite Eccentric #10
[Pirate Sarah, auth., August 2010]
This Machine Kills #0
Music, Politics
[sophist_monster, auth., undated]
Trash and Bag On Bikes
[Trash and Bag, auth., 2023]
Bikes, Comics
Unf-ck Your Boundaries: Better Living Through Consent, Communities, and Expressing Your Needs
[Faith G. Harper, auth., undated]
What Will It Take To Stop The Police From Killing?
Police, Politics
Zino Loci: A Crosscultural Graphic Anthology #1: Guilt & Shame
[University of Portsmouth/Chulalongkorn University: September 2023]
Artzine, Comics